Game desciption:
This is a numeric puzzle game. You are trying to put numberic gem stones, number 1 to 9, to the 9 by 9 matrix. The number in vertical and horizontal could not be replicate. Also, the matrix divides to small 3 by 3 boxes. The number in each box must not be repeat!
How to play the game?
To put a gem to a free box, frist, you need to tap stylus over a nunberic gem, locates bottom of screen. A red rectangle border will be appears to indicate the selection state. Next, tap over a light-bule box to put the gem in. Also, if you tap the selected gem again. The red box will be disappears and if you tap the matrix, it will removes gem out from the box.
Till you fill gems full in the matrix. The game will automatic check the result. If pass, the message box will let you know that you finsihed the game.
Game features:
The game is general for Pocket PC, no speacial hardware or software require. Small in size (about 30KB). Easy to download. We offer register cost at very low price, US$4.95.